Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan, is a highly anticipated biopic that stands at the centre of the movie buzz. With a star-studded cast including Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr, Florence Pugh, Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, and Rami Malek, this film delves into the journey of the Father Of Atomic Bombs, portrayed brilliantly by Murphy. However, what’s truly capturing attention now is the astonishing size of the movie’s print.
As reported, Oppenheimer has become Christopher Nolan’s longest film to date, surpassing his previous works in terms of runtime, exceeding 3 hours. This remarkable duration has resulted in a colossal print size for the IMAX format, which is truly mind-boggling. Let’s explore the fascinating details.
According to a report by Fandom Wire, Oppenheimer has set a new record in Christopher Nolan’s career by covering an incredible 11 miles of film stock. The weight of this colossal print amounts to around 600 pounds, equivalent to a staggering 272.155 kilograms. The film will be available in various formats such as 70mm, IMAX digital, 35mm, and Dolby Cinema, and it was captured using a large-format film camera.
Recently, when asked about the best format to experience Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan expressed his preference for IMAX 70mm. He emphasized the unparalleled sharpness, clarity, and depth of the image that this format provides. Shooting on IMAX 70mm film allows the screen to disappear, immersing the audience in the film’s world and creating a 3D-like experience without the need for glasses. It truly maximizes the impact on the audience’s peripheral vision.
Showcasing the incredible story of the Father Of Atomic Bombs, Oppenheimer is set to hit the big screen on July 21, 2023.
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