Indian actor, Sonam Kapoor, and businessman, Anand Ahuja, have been in the headlines lately for an unexpected reason after the couple was discovered being robbed of cash and jewellery worth INR 2.4 Crore in February. Their Delhi residence was reportedly robbed and an FIR was lodged by the manager of the couple. After an investigation, Delhi Police has made some arrests and turns out the caretaker of Anand Ahuja’s mother was the culprit behind the robbing.
As per the police investigation, a theft took place at Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s residence in Delhi on February 11 this year and the incident was reported on February 23 when it came to light by the members of the family. An FIR was lodged at the Tughlaq Road Police Station by the manager of the couple’s house that employs people for them.
As per the report, the Delhi Police Crime Branch along with a team of Special Staff Branch of the New Delhi district conducted a raid in Sarita Vihar after the nurse and her husband were suspected. “The team apprehended the nurse and her husband,” confirmed a senior police officer after they were arrested.
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