About two-and-a-half month ago, a talented Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput allegedly killed himself in his Bandra residence. However, his fans refused to digest the earlier reports that state the actor died by suicide and started an online protest for a better and thorough investigation. Upon many tussles, the apex court ordered a CBI probe in the case.
Soon after the late actor’s father lodged a complaint against Rhea Chakraborty for abetment of suicide, the protest gained momentum and upon hearing the plea of Bihar government, CBI was appointed for a thorough investigation in Sushant Singh Rajput’s case last week. After recreating the scene of his death and interrogating prime suspects multiple times, the CBI has not found any evidence that supports the popular belief that the actor was murdered.
Three officers who are part of the CBI team investigating the death of Sushant Singh Rajput recently spoke to leading daily India Today and said that they have so far not found any evidence to support the actor being murdered. Meanwhile, the probe is still on and the team is interrogating people in link with the case for hours daily. After a certain WhatsApp chat between Rhea Chakraborty and talent manager came in light, NCB is also investigating the matter for a possible drug angle.
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