For the past few months, rumours regarding the first collaboration between Shah Rukh Khan and Pushpa star Allu Arjun have been at an all-time high. Helmed by Atlee, Jawan features SRK in a never-before-seen avatar sharing screen space with Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara. Reports suggesting a cameo by Allu Arjun in the Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan have been circulating for months. Despite widespread speculation, a source close to the development of the movie claims that the actor will not be making an appearance in the film.
According to the industry insider, the rumours of Allu Arjun featuring in Jawan in a cameo role are completely untrue as the actor has never been approached to play a part in the action thriller. Instead, Sanjay Dutt will be making a cameo in the movie, although his importance in the plot is currently under wraps.
While Allu Arjun’s absence may disappoint some fans, the anticipation for Shah Rukh Khan’s performance in Jawan remains high. Directed by Atlee Kumar and also featuring Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi, the film has already generated buzz since its announcement. Excitement among Shah Rukh Khan fans is palpable as they eagerly await the release of his latest project, especially after his recent blockbuster outing with Pathaan.
Jawan, produced by Red Chillies, was initially slated for a June release. However, the filmmakers decided to postpone it to September 7 in order to allocate more time for the film’s VFX work. Although Allu Arjun won’t be making a cameo appearance, fans can still look forward to witnessing Shah Rukh Khan’s captivating performance in Jawan, which promises to deliver a new and exciting on-screen portrayal by the Bollywood superstar.
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