The stunt-based television reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi, is one of the most successful series in Hindi television and previous seasons have managed to pull high TRPs with its breathtaking stunt tasks. While the COVID-19 has slowed down the production everywhere, a special edition of Khatron Ke Khiladi has been shot entirely in Mumbai with Rohit Shetty as the host.
Khatron Ke Khiladi – Made In India is a mini-series with 8 episodes consisting of contestants and winners of the previous seasons of the reality show. Launched earlier this month after the 10th season of the show concluded, Nia Sharma made it to the finale of the series with Jasmin Bhasin and Karan Wahi, and went on to lift the winning trophy. The finale stunts involved surviving pythons, conquering heights, negotiating explosions and electric shocks.
Post winning the show, Nia Sharma took to her social media handle to post a picture with the trophy and wrote, “Khatron ke Khiladi ‘Made in Indiaaaaa ??’ Jeeeeettttttt gayyyyyiiiiiiiiiiii Thank youuuuu @colorstv for this beautiful opportunity @itsrohitshetty ? You’re the Bawseeeeeee! @rod__sunil ?@karanwahi Respect❤️? (sic)” The actress also showed sportsmanship and expressed appreciation to the efforts of finalist Karan Wahi.
Talking about her win, Nia Sharma told that the season started off as a fun special edition but it quickly became her sole agenda to win the trophy. “I gave my all to every stunt that I performed on the show,” she added. Nia has earlier contested in Khatron Ke Khiladi 8.
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