American science fiction horror-drama series, The Stranger Things, has been in the top lists of everyone’s web series and the fans have been eagerly waiting for a new season. Listening to the plea of millions, the OTT giant released a 30-second video teasing the fourth season of the super successful series along with the release date.
While the short teaser refrained from revealing many details about the upcoming season, it starts with a voice saying, “Eleven, are you listening?” The Stranger Things 4 teaser showcases a fast-paced journey of the lead characters and focuses on ‘Something is coming’ with the character of Millie Bobby Brown confirming, “It is almost here.”
Unlike the previous seasons of the show, the OTT giant has also confirmed the release year of the fourth season. If all goes as expected, we will be able to stream the upcoming season in 2022 as confirmed by Netflix. However, the exact date or month has not been confirmed by the makers yet. Adding more hype to the show, the description of the teaser video read, “See y’all in the upside down.” The fans have already started creating theories with the description.
Watch The Teaser Here:
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