The popular television series, Lucifer, which aired on Fox for the first time gained popularity but failed to sustain as it was cancelled by the Fox after three seasons. However, the streaming giant, Netflix, took over and revived the fourth season of Lucifer. The latest update is that Netflix is renewing the Lucifer series for the fifth season.
The series lead by actor Tom Ellis revolves around the titular character who is a fallen angel and the lord of hell. After coming on a vacation to Earth, Lucifer starts working with LAPD to take down criminals.
The showrunners Joe Dringenberg and Ildy Modrovich showed their appreciation for Netflix for letting them finish their story without creative conflict. They said, “We are so incredibly thankful to Netflix for resurrecting our show last season, and now letting us finish the story of Lucifer on our terms. Most importantly, we want to thank the fans for their incredible passion and support. The best is yet to come.”
Produced by Warner Bros, the fifth and final season of Lucifer will air on the streaming network soon starring Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro, D B Woodside, Scarlett Estevez, and Racheal Harris.
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