Bollywood actress, Neliima Azeem reveals she had gone through the pain of separation when she had parted ways from ex-husbands, Pankaj Kapur and Rajesh Khattar. The actress recently opened up about her failed marriages and how it hit so hard and gave her a tough time.
She recalls that she thought it was wonderful getting married, everything was just right amount rosy and her parents were happy. She had a great crowd around her so she never expected something so tragic to happen in life. She says that she wasn’t aware that one could “slip in life and fall flat”.
As far as rejection was concerned there was literally no question about it because everybody loved and adore her. At such a young age this was the first time when She actually remembers experiencing grief, sorrow, rejection, anxiety, pain and fear of the unknown and a whole lot of insecurity.
However, she doesn’t see it as a terrible thing but simply thinks that she needed that bump. She explains how we must realise that we are not extraordinary or entitled, and it’s okay to be rejected. She says that it took her a year-and-a-half of a period to put her pieces together.
Talking about her marriage with Rajesh Khattar, she tells that the second marriage would have lasted if certain things that were difficult to face hadn’t happened And if there were more logic and control of situations involved in the relationship. She confesses how in Bombay these things happen to take place due to all the struggle and the pressures and how sometimes people succumb to it.
Azeem believes that she possesses the quality to get up and start walking again, and She is so proud of her lovely boys (Shahid and Ishaan), who were a great inspiration and support to her.
The veteran actress also revealed that today she is in a friendly relationship with Rajesh and his wife Vandana Sajnani. After parting ways with Rajesh Khatter, in 2001 and she then married Ustad Raza Ali Khan but reportedly parted ways with him in 2009.
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