Renowned Bollywood actor, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, and his family members have been grabbing headlines for the longest in a row. Just a while ago, Siddiqui’s wife, Aaliya Siddiqui, filed a divorce against the actor and alleged physical violence against his family. Coming in a row, Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s niece has filed a sexual harassment complaint against the actor’s younger brother.
In the complaint registered at Jamia Nagar Police Station in Delhi, the actor’s niece alleged that her uncle used to sexually harass her when she was young. She also stated that her parents got divorced when she was two years old and her stepmother used to torture her as well. Nawazuddin’s niece further alleged that she was not aware of what was happening as she was a child but when she grew up, she understood that ‘it was a different kind of touch and there was violence too’.
Talking about the support by Nawazuddin Siddiqui, she said that she talked to him about the incidents in the hope that he would understand as he lived in a different society, as stated by her. However, she alleged that the actor refused to understand her ordeal and said that his younger brother would never do such a thing to her. She confessed that she was mentally disturbed due to everything that was happening to her.
She currently lives in Delhi with her husband and claims that he, along with her in-laws, supports her, unlike the Siddiqui family. She further alleges in her police complaint that the actor’s family continues to harass her and her family over the filed cases over the years and therefore, she is seeking a fresh case with the necessary proofs against the violence.
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