Seasoned Indian actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has carved a niche for himself in the Indian film industry and has delivered a number of critically acclaimed performances throughout his career. The actor’s first collaboration with Bengali filmmaker Mostafa Sarwar Farooki has turned out to be a successful affair. Adding more credibility to their account, the movie has been selected to be screened at the Sydney Film Festival.
Announcing the exciting news, Farooki took to his social media handle to share, “No Land’s Man has been selected for the Sydney film festival! The film screens on June 16 and 19. Me and Megan will join. See you there, Sydney friends and my Sydney team.” Nawazuddin, with his first international film getting recognition at the prestigious film festival, also shared his thoughts and wrote, “the film close to my heart is travelling the world, this time “No Land’s Man” is officially selected at the @sydfilmfest.”
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“Farooki’s inclusive, engrossing and compassionate film boasts fine performances from multi-award-winning Indian star Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Meghan Mitchell in her feature debut,” read the program note of the Sydney Film Festival.
On the other hand, Nawazuddin Siddiqui is also in the headlines lately for being one of the delegates who will be receiving awards on behalf of the nation at the Cannes Film Festival. It will be the actor’s 9th walk on the Cannes red carpet.
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