It is a special moment for all the gaming fans as the much-awaited and highly-anticipated trailer of the live-action Mortal Komat movie is released. Based on the video game of the same name, Mortal Kombat is a rebooted version of the earlier movies released in the 90s and the first trailer is just as violent as it could be and should have been.
The production house, Warner Bros, released two trailer versions of the action-packed movie and one of those is the gory red-band trailer which released on YouTube. Featuring Lewis Tan as the video-game based character of Cole Young, Mortal Kombat trailer stars with him discovering about the dragon mark on his chest and the tournament which decides the fate of the earth.
The two and a half minutes trailer features iconic video game fighters, Sonya, Kano, Raiden, Jax, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, and Kung Lao. The trailer also focusses on the supernatural warriors, Sub-Zero and Scorpion, and their iconic dialogues which intensify the excitement of the fans.
Watch The Trailer:
The long-awaited reboot of the Mortal Kombat films will be released in the theatres and on HBO Max, simultaneously on 16 April 2021.