Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan proved her mantle with her powerful performance in the debut movie, Kedarnath, and she will next be sharing screen space with Vicky Kaushal in The Immortal Ashwatthama and as a double role in Atrangi Re. Meanwhile, the actress will be joining India’s first female commando unit in the Discovery+ Original series, Mission Frontline.
Taking to Instagram, Sara Ali Khan shared her first look for the series and she looks tough undeniably. Sara will be seen in a never-before-seen avatar in the series as she will be performing extreme physical training routines alongside the Veerangana Force. The actress also shared a video of her bleeding nose which could be an accident at the sets of the show.
Launched in November 2012, Veerangana Force commandos undergo an intense training regime which makes them competent against all odds. They receive training in ‘silent drill’ known only to US marines, martial arts, bike riding, horse riding, use of weapons to take on eve-teasers, or anyone trying to harm women’s modesty.
Featuring Sara Ali Khan, the Discovery+ Original episode will premiere on August 13 exclusively on the Disney+ platforms.
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