Indian actor Brahma Mishra best known for playing the character of Lalit in the popular web series, Mirzapur, was found dead at his home on Thursday and an investigation is underway. The initial reports suggest that the actor suffered a fatal heart attack at his home while the police has sent his body for autopsy.
According to reports, Brahma Mishra complaint of chest pain on November 29 and consulted a doctor. His body was found in the bathroom of his Versova flat in a semi-decomposed state. His neighbours complained of a stench emanating from his apartment and a key maker was summoned to open the flat. The initial observation claims that he died three days ago.
Co-actor Divyendu took to his social media handle to remember Brahma Mishra after the unfortunate news reached him and wrote, “RIP Brahma Mishra. Our Lalit is no more. Let’s pray for him everyone.” Actors Shweta Tripathi Sharma and Shriya Pilgaonkar also expressed their condolences in the comment section. On the other hand, Ali Fazal, who also plays a key role in the web series, wrote, “hearts broken today .. yet again.. Brahma . take care saathi . . RIP. #mirzapur …”
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