While the recently released Hindi web series Mirzapur 2 has been making headlines for all the right reasons across the country but with popularity comes controversies. Recently, Hindi writer Surender Mohan Pathak had sent a notice to the makers of Mirzapur 2 for using his book in a derogatory sense without his consent. Now the makers of the web series have responded to his notice and issued a public apology for the same.
For the unversed, in the fourth season of Mirzapur 2, the character of Kulbhushan Kharbanda can be seen reading a book Dhabba which is originally written by Surender Mohan Pathak. However, the voice over in the scene is allegedly putting the writer in a bad light as he has never described an erotic scene in graphic details in any of his work and the erotic scene in the web series is derogatory to him. Considering his complaint, Punit Krishna and Excel Entertainment have issued an apology to Surender Mohan Pathak and assured him that the same will be rectified.
“Dear Surender Mohan Pathak. It has been brought to my notice by you that there is a scene in the recently released series Mirzapur Season 2 which depicts a character named Satyanand Tripathi reading a book named ‘Dhabba which has been written by you and this depiction supplemented with an unrelated voiceover (VO) which has hurt your sentiments and the sentiments of your fans and well-wishers,” the letter issued by Excel Entertainment and signed by Punit Krishna reads.
The apology letter further reads, “We sincerely apologize for the same and would like to convey to you that this was not done with any malicious intent or to tarnish/damage your reputation. We are aware that you are a writer of repute and your work is held in high regard in the world of Hindi crime fiction. We would like to assure you that to rectify this situation as discussed with you and as per your wishes. We will blur the book-cover in the scene or remove the VO within a reasonable time of 3 weeks. Once again, please accept our sincerest apologies for inadvertently hurting your sentiments.”
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