Upcoming sports-drama, Maidaan, featuring Ajay Devgn in the lead has been one of the most anticipated movies of the Bollywood actor. However, the production of the movie is getting halted for one reason or another. The makers had to stop the production activities after a lockdown was imposed in Maharashtra and now cyclone Tauktae has destroyed an important set of the movie.
Amid the heart-wrenching pandemic, Maharashtra faced the wrath of the Tauktae cyclone which created havoc at multiple locations in the movie. While everyone has been affected by the cyclone or the heavy rain, filmmaker Boney Kapoor confirmed that the cyclone destroyed a standing set of Maidaan in Mumbai which incurred heavy financial losses.
In an interaction with tabloid Pinkvilla, Boney Kapoor said that he is thankful that no lives were lost but confirmed the financial damage caused by the cyclone. “We had built an entire footfall stadium to shoot 8 matches in the final schedule. While we are done with 4 matches, the shoot was halted due to lockdown and now, the cyclone has destroyed our set. It’s unfortunate, but everyone is suffering in some way or another,” the filmmaker said.
Helmed by Amit Sharma, Maidaan featured Ajay Devgn as the former Indian football coach, Syed Abdul Rahim. The sports biopic is slated for a theatrical release on 15 October.
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