Titled as the most violent and gory Indian movie of the year, Marco has been a major hit across South India and the Hindi-speaking belt. With great social media buzz around the movie for its content, fans are speculating a sequel to the action thriller, with the lead actor Unni Mukundan hinting at the possibility. Adding to the excitement, the makers of the movie have been teasing the audiences with cryptic updates and rumours have it that Chiyaan Vikram will play a key role in the second instalment of the franchise, if there is any.
A recent Instagram post by the production team has only fueled the speculation further as the post features filmmaker Shareed Muhammed with Unni Mukundan with the caption, “BRO-CODE. Are You Ready for Marco 2?” In the image posted, Mukundan can be seen donning his outfit for his role in Marco as it is from behind the scenes. However, the caption has left fans anticipating an official announcement for the sequel soon.
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Adding to the buzz, there are also speculations that Tamil superstar Chiyaan Vikram could join the Marco universe. The rumours began after Marco producer Shareed Muhammed shared a picture of himself alongside Vikram and his son. At the same time, there was no relation between the post and the movie celebration or its sequel, the timing of the post created curiosity among fans. However, given the response to the first instalment, we can expect bigger names to join the sequel if it materializes.
As fans await further confirmation from the production team, Marco continues to enjoy success and keeps the spotlight firmly on the lead actor, Unni Mukundan, and the team behind the action thriller.
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