Former Miss Universe and Bollywood actor, Manushi Chillar, made her dream acting debut opposite Akshay Kumar in the recently released, Samrat Prithviraj. While the movie failed to attract a crowd at the box office, Manushi’s performance as a debutant was highly appreciated and left fans wanting more of her on the big screen. Much to their rejoice, the 25-year-old actress has joined the team of John Abraham starrer Tehran.
Recently, John Abraham shared his first look from the upcoming thriller piquing the curiosity of his fans. The makers have now unveiled the new avatar of Manushi Chillar with her official first look for Tehran. Sharing the pictures from the sets of Tehran, Manushi shared, “Super excited to join the one & only @TheJohnAbraham on #Tehran. This journey is going to be really special!”
Checkout Her First Look:
Super excited to join the one & only @TheJohnAbraham on #Tehran.
This journey is going to be really special!??#DineshVijan #ArunGopalan #SandeepLeyzell @ShobhnaYadava @writish @ashishpverma @MaddockFilms @bakemycakefilms— Manushi Chhillar (@ManushiChhillar) July 19, 2022
Based on true events, Tehran has been generating great buzz ever since its announcement. Helmed by Arun Gopalan, Tehran is a geopolitical thriller revolving around the Russian-Ukrainian War. The thriller features John Abraham and Manushi Chillar in the key roles with Dinesh Vijan, Shobhna Yadav and Sandeep Leyzell bankrolling the project.
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