The most-watched and controversial celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss 13, had its grand finale just a while ago but controversies have not left the side of the Bigg Boss contestants even now. Just yesterday, the reality show contestant, Mahira Sharma, was accused of forging Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival award but she clarified the allegations and apparently comes out clean.
A huge hoax happened this week when Mahira Sharma was accused of forging a win at the prestigious Dadashaheb Phalke International Film Festival held in Mumbai and the organizers of the award show issued a statement about her lying. Clearing the air and clarifying the allegations, Mahira Sharma has issued a statement on her social media handle which claims that it wasn’t her fault but Premal Mehta from Purple Fox Media.
Her statement read, “On Thursday, 20th February 2020, I was invited for the reputed DadaSaheb Phalke International Film Festival 2020 by Mr. Premal Mehta from Purple Fox Media along with Yash Naik who is an artist manager for the said award show. They informed us that they have been associated with Dadasaheb Awards past two years. My manager, Mr. Abhinav Tanwar was informed by Mr. Mehta that we will be gratified at the event with the title of ‘Most Fashionable Bigg Boss 13 Contestant’. At the event, the team of Bigg Boss 13 was called on stage and gratified with a token of appreciation. On questioning about my solo award by my manager to Mr. Mehta, he handed over the award to my manager stating that I cannot be called on stage owing to the huge hue and rush on stage.”
Mahira Sharma went on to say in her social media statement that she would never intend to forge any award and that too after she gained huge popularity for her stint in the Salman Khan hosted reality show. “Post an amazing stint with Bigg Boss and having made it in the top 7 list, I surely am not intending to look for any PR gimmick of these sorts,” it read.
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