The much-awaited sequel to the 2023 comedy-drama Mad has officially locked its release date. Titled Mad Square, the film is set to hit theatres on March 29, 2025. Fans are excited to see the story continue, especially after the success of the original, which starred Jr NTR’s brother-in-law Narne Nithin.
Sharing the news on social media, the makers teased: “More FUN than you can handle. More MADNESS than you can imagine. #MADSquare is all set to take the entertainment game to the next level starting MARCH 29th in theatres.”
The original Mad, a debut project by director Kalyan Shankar, was a coming-of-age comedy-drama centered around the lives of a group of engineering students navigating academics, friendships, and love. The film, produced by Naga Vamsi, starred Narne Nithin, Sangeeth Shobhan, Ram Nithin, Sri Gouri Priya, Ananthika Sanilkumar, and Gopika Udayan, and became a box-office hit with glowing reviews from critics.
Returning for the sequel, Kalyan Shankar once again takes on writing and directing duties, ensuring the spirit of Mad is carried forward. Narne Nithin, Sangeeth Shobhan, Ram Nithin, and others will reprise their roles in Mad Square.
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Music continues to play a central role in the sequel, with Bheems Ceciroleo composing both the songs and the background score, as he did for the first film. The team has already released two singles from the film, which have created quite a buzz.
The first single, Laddu Gaani Pelli, is a high-energy introductory track sung by Bheems Ceciroleo and Mangli. The second single, Swathi Reddy, is a vibrant party anthem featuring vocals by Bheems Ceciroleo and Swathi Reddy UK. Reba Monica John, of Bigil fame, makes an appearance at the party number, adding to the film’s excitement.
With its promise of more laughter, madness, and unforgettable moments, Mad Square is poised to take the franchise to new heights. Mark your calendars for March 29, 2025, as the madness unfolds on the big screen.
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