Last week, the Indian film industry witnessed a tragic accident on the sets of Kamal Haasan starrer Indian 2. After a crane crashed during the shooting of the upcoming movie, three crew members lost their lives and the entire Tamil film industry went into shock for the lack of safety measures which resulted in the unfortunate incident.
A few days after the accident, lead actor of the movie, Kamal Haasan, issued a public statement addressing the production house, Lyca Productions, and questioned them about the steps taken to ensure the safety of the crew members. In the letter, the actor also asked the production house if the crew members were covered with accidental insurance or not. Responding to Kamal Haasan’s letter, Neelkant Narayanpur, director of Lyca Productions, issued a public statement regarding the incident.
In the statement, Lyca Productions has mentioned that they did the needful for the safety of the crew members and the entire production of the actioner along with insurance policies with nationalised insurance companies in place. The statement further read that the production house announced financial assistance to the families of the deceased and to those who suffered injuries during the crane crash. The public statement issued by Lyca Productions also added, “incidents of this nature need to be dealt with in the spirit of collective responsibility and rectification.” questioning Kamal Haasan for his letter.
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Talking about Indian 2, the movie is a long-awaited sequel to the Kamal Haasan starrer Indian. Kamal Haasan will be reprising his character from the first instalment while Kajal Agarwal, Rakul Preet, and Priya Bhavani play significant characters in the S. Shankar directorial.
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