Renowned stand-up comedian and the winner of the first season of Lock Upp, Munawar Faruqui, has been in the headlines lately for his win at the reality show. However, the show also intrigued his fans about his love life. The comedian had a great bonding with co-contestant Anjali Arora and their fans were hoping the two to stay together after coming out of the ‘jail’ as well. However, to everyone’s surprise, Munawar has shared a picture with his alleged girlfriend on his social media handle.
Munawar Faruqui has always been a popular name, majorly due to the controversy associated with his punch lines. However, after his stay on the reality show ‘Lock Upp’, people got to see a different version of him and he emerged as the winner of the show. During his stint in the reality show hosted by Kangana Ranaut, co-contestant Anjali Arora proposed to him on-air and his fans expected the two to stick together and commit to a relationship after the show ended for Munawar on a high note. However, surprising his fans, Munawar introduced her lady love on his Instagram story.
Captioned, “Bubby Bubby tera ni mai”, the comedian shared a picture of himself with his alleged girlfriend and added a heart emoticon to the photo. Much to the flashback to his fans, Munawar did mention his real-life girlfriend during the reality show and always addressed her as ‘Bubby’. As per the intrigued fans, the mystery girl is the content creator Nazil and has a decent following on her social media handles.
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