Weeks ago, Arjun Reddy actor Vijay Deverakonda announced his collaboration with Dharma Productions for an action drama, Liger, with Ananya Panday in the female lead. While the first-look poster was well-received by the netizens and fans of Vijay Deverakonda have been eagerly waiting to learn more about the exciting movie, the release date of the same has been announced today.
Taking to the social media handle, Vijay Deverakonda shared another movie poster with the release date of September 8th 2021. The caption of the movie poster read, “The Date is set. India – we are coming! September 9, 2021. #LIGER #SaalaCrossbreed.”
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Meanwhile, producer Karan Johar also shared the same poster featuring Vijay Deverakonda giving more information about the movie release. He tweeted, “All set to pack a punch around the globe! #Liger is releasing in theatres on 9th September worldwide in 5 languages – Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada & Malayalam.”
Helmed by Puri Jagannadh, Liger is an action drama featuring Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday in the leads. Ramya Krishnan, Ronit Roy, Vishu Reddy, Aali, Makarand Desh Pandey, and Getup Srinu also play key roles in the multilingual movie.
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