Rohit Shetty’s upcoming film, Singham Again, has garnered tremendous anticipation within the Indian film industry due to its star-studded ensemble cast. The movie features Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, Akshay Kumar, and Deepika Padukone in prominent roles, with Tiger Shroff portraying the antagonist, continuing the storyline from Sooryavanshi. In an exclusive update from Bollywood Hungama, it has been confirmed that Arjun Kapoor is the latest addition to the Rohit Shetty cop universe.
According to an insider with industry insights, “Arjun Kapoor is set to join the Rohit Shetty cop universe, and this revelation has been a well-kept secret by Rohit and his team. However, the surprising twist lies in Arjun’s character—he will be portraying the role of the antagonist, not the hero. Arjun will assume the role of the villain pitted against the quartet of supercops, including Singham, Simmba, Sooryavanshi, and Lady Singham.”
Furthermore, it has been revealed that Arjun Kapoor has already begun preparations for his role in Singham Again under Rohit Shetty’s guidance and the film’s production team. The source emphasized Rohit Shetty’s meticulous approach to casting and his commitment to making Singham Again a monumental addition to Indian cinema. “Rohit is leaving no stone unturned to make this action-packed thriller the biggest film in Indian Cinema. He has assembled some of the most significant stars in the industry for this project,” the source added.
Singham Again marks the third instalment in the Singham franchise, following Singham and Singham Returns. It also serves as the fifth film within Rohit Shetty’s cinematic universe, including Singham, Singham Returns, Simmba, and Sooryavanshi. The film is poised to commence production soon and is scheduled for release in 2024. With Singham Again, Rohit Shetty is poised to reaffirm his status as one of Indian cinema’s most reliable and successful directors.
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