Aamir Khan starrer Laal Singh Chaddha was finally released on Thursday after years of preparations. While the movie was touted to be one of Aamir Khan’s greatest in his career, it also faced wrath from netizens as they demanded a boycott. The movie, which was released worldwide on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, faced protests across different parts of the country.
One group, led by Shiv Sena, gathered outside a PVR cineplex in Jalandhar and protested against it. Subsequently, the police reached the spot and after talks with the management of the theatre, the screening was stopped. However, soon Sikh organizations also reached the spot and raised slogans in favour of the movie. The Sikh leaders claim that the protagonist in the movie is a Sikh man and Hindu organizations have no right to stop the screening of the movie.
There have also been reports of protests against the film in Gorakhpur and Varanasi. Sanatan Rakshak Sena’s state president of the youth wing, Chandra Prakash Singh, and its vice-president Arun Pandey, alleged that Aamir Khan makes fun of Hindu deities in his films.
Meanwhile, the movie directed by Advait Chandan failed to live up to the expectations of the audience and critics alike. The movie garnered mixed reviews from movie critics and had a poor opening day collection. If trend is to go by, the box office business of the movie will only go South with negative word of mouth.
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