While the anti-nepotism war is ongoing amongst Bollywood fans and many celebrities have also jumped in the heated argument, Hrithik Roshan is one of the very few actors who are loved by one and all. The ‘Greek God of Bollywood’ delivered two massive hits, War and Super 30, and his fans have been eagerly waiting for his next. Though the actor hasn’t announced any projects yet, the fourth instalment to his blockbuster superhero franchise is in works.
It has been times and again informed that filmmaker Rakesh Roshan is working on the script of Krrish 4 which stars his son in the lead characters. While Hrithik essayed double characters of Krrish and his father Rohit Mehra in the previous instalments, the reports suggest that the father-son duo is taking the story a notch higher with Hrithik playing four different characters. As per the source, Krrish 4 is being made on a lavish budget and it demands quadruple characters of Hrithik Roshan to take the story forward in the most engaging way.
While the earlier reports suggested that the alien, Jadoo, from the first part, Koi Mil Gaya, will be brought back in the fourth instalment, it is also being informed that Rohit Mehra, who died in Krrish 3, will be revived in Krrish 4. However, these are only based on speculations as Rakesh Roshan said that he is still working on the script.
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