Veteran actor and politician, Kirron Kher, has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma which is a type of blood cancer. Her fans have been missing her from the silver screen and not participating in the parliament sessions raised concern for her absence. Addressing the concerns, Chandigarh BJP Chief, Arun Soon, has informed that the actor is undergoing treatment for blood cancer.
After Arun Sood, Kirron’s husband and actor Anupam Kher took to his social media to confirm the unfortunate news and update on Kirron’s health status. In his statement, Anupam wrote, “Just so that rumours don’t get the better of a situation Sikandar and I would like to inform everyone that Kirron has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. She is currently undergoing treatment and we are sure she will come out of this stronger than before. We are very blessed that she is being looked after by a phenomenal set of doctors.”
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) April 1, 2021
Anupam further revealed that Kirron has been fighting her battle head-on and requested good wishes from her fans. “She’s always been a fighter and takes things head on. She’s all heart and that’s why she has so many people that love her. so keep sending your love to her in your prayers and in your heart. She is well on her way to recovery and we thank everyone for their support and love. Anupam and Sikandar,” the note concludes.
Kirron Kher was rushed to a hospital in November last year after she suffered a fracture. Upon diagnosis, it was learnt that she has multiple myeloma in her left shoulder and right arm.
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