The action thriller Kill, starring Lakshya, Raghav Juyal, and Tanya Maniktala, has turned out to be a surprising success at the box office. Released on July 5, the critically acclaimed film managed to make a mark even in a crowded market, competing against big releases like Kalki 2898 AD, Sarfira, and Indian 2. Despite tough competition, the film’s gripping action and engaging storyline helped it find its audience.
By its fifth week, Kill faced a reduction in screen count due to new releases like Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha and Ulajh, as well as the ongoing success of Bad Newz. However, it still managed to pull in an impressive 80 lakh during its fifth week, showing that it had staying power.
With a total net collection of 24.95 crore in India (29.44 crore gross) against a budget of 20 crore, Kill has made a profit of 4.95 crore, translating to an ROI of 24.75%. This is a significant achievement for a film that wasn’t expected to be a big hit.
Globally, Kill has grossed 48.44 crore, and while its theatrical run is almost over, the film’s journey isn’t finished yet. It’s set to release on Disney+ Hotstar on August 30, which could bring it to an even larger audience and further boost its success. The movie is also picked up by John Wick filmmaker for a remake in Hollywood given the gory and impressive action sequences.
Helmed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, Kill has proved that even without big stars or a massive budget, a well-made film with strong content can still perform well at the box office.
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