While the fans of Kartik Aaryan were worried after his fallout with Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, the actor managed to sign back to back projects. The most recent is backed by Sajid Nadiadwala and to be helmed by National Award-winning director Sameer Vidwans. According to the latest report, Kiara Advani has been roped in to play the female lead opposite Kartik.
According to a source close to the development of the project, the makers were eyeing a fresh pair and approached Kiara Advani to play the part. The actress reportedly gave her nod to the project after hearing the script and came on board the yet-to-be-titled epic love story. The movie will also mark her reunion with Kartik Aaryan after Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 which is yet to be released.
The movie is expected to go on the floors by the end of the current year as both Kartik and Kiara are currently occupied with their previous work commitments. Many projects have been pushed forward due to the ongoing pandemic crisis. Kiara has around four projects in her kitty while Kartik on the other hand has as many as six projects in the making.
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