Maddock Films is expanding its ambitious Horror-Comedy Universe with a slate of eight interconnected films set to release over the next four years. Among these is Shakti Shalini, starring Kiara Advani in the titular role. Directed by Ajitpal Singh, known for his critically acclaimed work on Tabbar, the film is inspired by Indian folklore and is scheduled to hit theatres on December 31, 2025, according to a report by PeepingMoon.
As the fifth standalone instalment in Maddock’s franchise, following hits like Stree and Bhediya, Shakti Shalini promises a unique blend of folklore-inspired horror and humour while tying into the larger narrative of the shared universe. Production is set to kick off in April or May 2025, and the film aims to offer a fresh narrative approach that sets it apart from its predecessors.
For Kiara Advani, this marks her entry into Maddock’s celebrated Horror-Comedy Universe, joining the ranks of leading actresses like Shraddha Kapoor and Kriti Sanon. Advani, who recently wrapped up filming for Game Changer and War 2, has an exciting lineup of projects, including Don 3 opposite Ranveer Singh, both slated for 2026.
Maddock Films’ growing universe will culminate in a two-part climactic event in 2028. After Shakti Shalini, fans can look forward to other exciting projects like Bhediya 2, Chamunda, and Stree 3, all leading up to the epic finales, Pehla Mahayudh and Doosara Mahayudh. With such a packed slate, the franchise promises to keep audiences entertained with its mix of scares, laughs, and interconnected storytelling.
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