Renowned Indian filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker announced a movie on the success of FMCG brand Lijjat Papads, two years ago, and had roped in Kiara Advani to play the protagonist. To be helmed by Glenn Baretto and Ankush Mohl, the project has been tentatively titled Karram Kurram and is to be presented under the banner of Ashutosh Gowariker Productions. However, the latest reports suggest that Kiara Advani has decided to drop out of the project.
According to a source close to the development of the anticipated entrepreneur story, Kiara Advani has reportedly decided to walk out of the project owing to the creative differences. If the source is to go by, Kiara felt the movie isn’t commercial enough and she doesn’t want to experiment in the current stage of her career. However, there has been no official confirmation regarding her decision.
The makers are reportedly scouting for another actress to lead the project and the announcement is likely to come after the new lead is locked. Meanwhile, the producer is also working with the writers to make the script more appealing to the mass audience while keeping the soul of the story. The rest of the crew is also being worked upon.
As for the film, Karram Kurram narrates the story of a woman who started a women’s cooperative organization to bring together six other housewives to earn for their households. Today, the organization has sustained the households of over thousands of women for over decades.
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