Amitabh Bachchan is one of the biggest stars in the history of the Bollywood industry and while the actor is on a complete rest to recover his ill health, the eleventh season of the quiz-based reality show Kaun Banega Crorepati is receiving great response from the audiences. While the show is about to reach its runtime for the current season, the Monday episode had Prateek Kalkal sit on the hot seat.
Hosted by Amitabh Bachchan, Prateek Kalkal took the hot seat in Monday’s episode of the reality show post winning the Fastest Finger’s First round of the show format. Hailing from Punjab, Prateek managed to cross the second ‘padhav’ of the show with the use of all four helplines. After receiving 3,20,000 INR, the contestant was presented with the 6,40,000 INR worth question but failed to choose the right option out of four.
The eleventh question was, “In 2019, PepsiCo and nine Indian farmers were involved in a controversy over the FCS, which is a variety of which of these plants?” and the options were Sugarcane, Potato, Soybean, and Coffee. After brainstorming for a while, Prateek went ahead with ‘Coffee’ as his final answer but lost since ‘Potato’ was the right answer for the Rs. 6,40,000 question.
After Prateek took home 3,20,000 INR with him, the next contestant to seat on the hot seat opposite Amitabh Bachchan was Jitender Singh Chauhan who is a resident of Delhi and will continue his play in the upcoming episode of the quiz show.
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