The highly anticipated film Merry Christmas, directed by Sriram Raghavan and starring Vijay Sethupathi and Katrina Kaif, is now set to grace the silver screens on January 12, 2024. Originally scheduled for release on December 15, 2023, in both Hindi and Tamil, the filmmakers have chosen to extend the season of joy and present their creations to the audience in the new year.
In a collective statement from the producers Ramesh Taurani, Jaya Taurani, Sanjay Routray, and Kewal Garg, the team expressed their profound affection for the project and their steadfast dedication to delivering an exceptional cinematic experience. They stated, “We have made this film with a lot of love & passion as every filmmaker does; however, with the back-to-back movie releases and the packed last two months of 2023, we have decided to extend the season of joy and bring our film to the theatres on 12th January 2024.”
The wait is almost over! #MerryChristmas is making your winter merrier on January 12, 2024.#SriramRaghavan #MatchboxPictures @RameshTaurani #SanjayRoutray #JayaTaurani #KewalGarg @VijaySethuOffl #KatrinaKaif @realradikaa #KavinBabu #Shanmugaraja #AshwiniKalsekar
— Tips Films (@TipsFilmsInd) November 16, 2023
Merry Christmas is a collaborative effort that combines the vision and expertise of Tips Films and Matchbox Pictures, produced by Ramesh Taurani & Jaya Taurani, Sanjay Routray & Kewal Garg.
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