The Pyaar Ka Punchnama actor has been in the headlines lately for the reboot of the classic comedy hit, Pati Patni Aur Woh, alongside Ananya Panday and Bhumi Pednekar, meanwhile, he has a number of other projects in the pipeline. While Kartik Aaryan is busy shooting for Karan Johar’s Dostana 2 with Janhvi Kapoor and Lakshya, the actor took time off work to celebrate his birthday with his family as he turns 29.
Kartik Aaryan wrapped up his Punjab schedule for the Dostana sequel and flew back to his home to enjoy his day with his parents and shared a beautiful picture on his social media handle as he received a surprise birthday bash from them. In the pictures, Kartik can be seen cutting his birthday cake beside his parents with balloons and birthday decorations in the background.
The post received infinite love and wishes from his fans and other celebrities as he wrote, “Jab Mummy Papa ne bday pe surprise kiya” followed by a heart emoticon. While the picture of the cake he shared reads, “Happy Birthday Dear Koki”.
Meanwhile, the actor is busy celebrating his birthday with his parents and close friends, on the work front, he will soon be seen recreating the iconic Pati Patni Aur Woh drama on the big screen with Ananya Panday and Bhumi Pednekar in a love triangle. Helmed by Mudassar Aziz, the movie is slated to release on 6 December 2019.
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