Last year witnessed a perfect chick flick featuring Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, Swara Bhaskar, and Shikha Talsania in Rhea Kapoor’s Veere Di Wedding. While the movie received much criticism and negative word of mouth over the social media websites, it managed to wreak havoc at the box office. Now after a year and a half, we might get a sequel to the movie.
Veere Di Wedding cleverly portrayed four lifelong friends going on an all-girls trip to Thailand where they discovered themselves. An out and out chick flick that summed up girlhood in a bold, cheerful and glamorous avatar, is expected to get a sequel according to the latest reports. In a report published by Mid-Day, the makers are planning for an addition to the franchise.
As per the report, the script for the second instalment is under process and the lead cast might reunite for another film based on girlhood. The sources also inform that the sequel is expected to follow the original storyline and add another chapter to the lives of four best friends as they grow and evolve.
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