Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are one royal Bollywood couple who have proved back and again that they are made for each other. While the couple faced many backlashes for their relationship but it never broke them and they went on to take their relationship to the next level as they tied a knot in the year 2012. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan have always shared their romance in interviews but recently Bebo revealed something that we didn’t know.
In a talk show with Pinkvilla, Kareena Kapoor Khan shared that she refused to marry Saif Ali Khan twice before she made up her mind. Both Saif and Kareena have mentioned many times that they started dating while they were shooting for the 2008 actioner Tashan, but in the recent conversation, the actress revealed that Saif proposed her twice at the sets of the movie.
The Kurbaan actress said that Saif Ali Khan proposed her to marry him while they were shooting in Greece for Tashan but she needed more time. Later on, Saif proposed her again during a song shoot in Ladakh and said that they would make a great couple. However, Kareena turned down his proposal and it took her more than four years to set up her mind to marry him. “At that time, I didn’t know because I didn’t know him well. It wasn’t a no but I just wanted to know him better. I think I made the best decision of my life for sure,” she said.
While Kareena made sure that she wanted to spend her life with Saif Ali Khan and he, on the other hand, waited for years for her ‘Yes’, they sure make the power couple of the B-town.
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