The Indian web series platform has witnessed an all time rise in the last few years. Almost every entertainment company is coming up with a web series section of their own, promoting more youth friendly and varied content, that’s readily available on the respective apps, with no censorship issues or restrictions on content.
Television- Bollywood actor and host Karan Wahi and Akshay Oberoi starrer 10 episode web series ‘Barcode’ produced by Abhishek Pathak in association with Panorama Studios dropped today on the HungamaPlay app. This is the first ever series to be released on Hungama’s digital platform.
Written and directed by Vignesh Shetty, ‘Barcode’ centres around two friends Vicky played by Karan and Sahil played by Akshay, who run Mumbai’s elite Nightclubs ‘Vibe’ and ‘Rehab’, however, things change when the friends have a major fall out and become cut throat rivals. Each trying to out do and destroy the other, their egos are at war, which can finish them both completely. On a parallel track, we have their romantic lives also entwined with each other, which causes further rift between former best friends.
The show also stars Simrankaur Mundi as Rhea, Parina Chopra as Minaz, Teena Singh as Natasha, Rohan Khurrana as Mickey in pivotal characters.
Download the HungamaPlay app to binge watch the entire series-