With a steep spike in fresh Corona cases across the country, many state governments announced curbs and the Delhi government was the first to declare a yellow zone with strict restrictions. In the public appeal to follow precautionary measures, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal shut down many public places including theatres. While the Multiplex Association had sent an appeal to the Delhi government to reopen theatres, renowned filmmaker Karan Johar also urged the government to reopen theatres.
After an appeal by the Multiplex Association of India, Karan Johar took to his social media handle to urge the government of Delhi to roll back the recent curb to shut down theatres and asserted that the theatres are better equipped to enforce restrictions. “We urge the Delhi Government to allow cinemas to operate. Cinemas are equipped with better ability to ensure a hygienic environment while maintaining social distancing norms as compared to other out-of-home settings,” he tweeted.
We urge the Delhi Government to allow cinemas to operate. Cinemas are equipped with better ability to ensure a hygienic environment while maintaining social distancing norms as compared to other out-of-home settings. @LtGovDelhi @ArvindKejriwal @OfficeOfDyCM #cinemasaresafe
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) December 30, 2021
Earlier, the Producers Guild of India also made a similar request by re-posting the letter shared by the Multiplex Association of India. The association tweeted, “We urge the Delhi Government to allow cinemas to operate. Cinemas are equipped with better ability to ensure a hygienic environment while maintaining social distancing norms as compared to other out-of-home settings.”
With the announced restrictions, many filmmakers postponed or cancelled their upcoming projects including Shahid Kapoor’s next Jersey.
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