Karan Johar, the heartbeat of the Hindi Entertainment Industry, has announced that three new artists will be joining his team at Dharma — actors Shanaya Kapoor, Lakshya Lalwani and Gurfateh Pirzada from the upcoming film Bedhadak. Sharing first a poster of Lakshya Lalwani in the upcoming film Bedhadak, Karan wrote, “Looks that will melt your heart just as easily as his smile will. Presenting @itslakshya as Karan in #Bedhadak. Directed by the maestro of emotions, Shashank Khaitan!”
Lakshya also took to his social media to share the news. The actor said that he will be portraying the role of Karan in the movie. His caption read, “I’m all set to dive into the world of ‘Karan’! #Bedhadak. I’m so humbled and honored to kickstart this journey, need all your love and support!❤️”.
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Lakshya has earlier been seen on various TV shows, including the likes of MTV India’s Warrior High, Pardes Mein Hai Mera Dil and Porus among more.
Later, the director-producer shared a poster of Sanjay Kapoor’s daughter Shanaya Kapoor from Bedhadak, and wrote, “Introducing the gorgeous @shanayakapoor02 as Nimrit in #Bedhadak. An enchanting force to look out for, I can’t wait to see the energy she brings onto the screen!” Sanjay Kapoor posted a series of heart emojis as soon as the announcement was made.
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The third actor to join Bedhadak is Gurfateh Singh Pirzada. His poster from the movie was also shared by Johar as he mentioned in a post, “His brooding good looks will have you smitten in no time! Watch Angad’s character come alive in #Bedhadak with @gurfatehpirzada bringing his effortless suave onto the big screen!”
A day earlier, the director-producer had shared that he will be announcing details regarding three new ‘members’ to his ‘family of storytelling.’ Sharing a video that featured talents like Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor, who got a breakthrough in Bollywood by his production house Dharma Productions, KJo wrote a note about the same.
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His post caption read, “This generation is brimming with talent like never before and it’s time we tap into it! We, at @dharmamovies, are ecstatic to bring in 3 new members to our family of storytelling. Keep a close watch, a new film & cast announcement will be reaching you TOMORROW at 10am!❤️❤️ @apoorva1972.”
Karan Johar is currently riding high on the success of his Netflix show The Fame Game starring Madhuri Dixit, which is currently dominating trending charts on the streamer.