After the success of Kangana Ranaut led Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi in 2019, the actress and filmmaker Kamal Jain are joining hands to bring back a sequel to the period-drama with the titled, Manikarnika Returns: The Legend Of Didda. The fans are looking forwards to the second instalment of the Manikarnika franchise as it will focus on another legendary Queen, Didda.
A source close to the development of the sequel reveals that the second instalment to the franchise will be mounted on a bigger and international scale with the goal to make it a globally renowned franchise of real-life women warriors. The idea of the recently extended franchise is to rediscover and remember the identity of forgotten women who shaped the identity of Bharat.
As per the reports, Kangana Ranaut has a script reading session last week and gave her nod to the project. The movie is expected to go on the floors in early 2022 once prior commitments and ongoing projects of Kangana Ranaut are completed. Didda was the Queen of Kashmir who defeated Persian ruler Mehmood Ghaznavi twice.
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