Actor-politician Kangana Ranaut recently expressed her frustration with Bollywood for not commenting on her slap incident. On June 6, Kangana was allegedly slapped by a CISF officer during a security check at Chandigarh airport while heading to New Delhi. Following her criticism of Bollywood’s silence on the matter, she deleted her Instagram story addressing the incident.
In her now-deleted Instagram story, Kangana wrote: “Dear film industry, you all are either celebrating or are totally mum on the airport attack on me. Remember if tomorrow you are walking disarmingly on some street of your country or anywhere else in the world and some Israeli/Palestinian hits you or your children just because you tried to bring eyes to Rafah or stood up for Israeli hostages… then you will see I will be fighting for your rights of free speech. If someday you wonder why I am where I am, remember you are not me.”
Kangana claimed she was heading to the boarding point after the security check when CISF officer Kulwinder Kaur allegedly argued with and slapped her at the frisking area. Sources suggest that Kangana’s controversial remarks about women in Punjab during the farmers’ agitation may have provoked the alleged slap.
Following the incident, constable Kulwinder Kaur was suspended immediately, and an FIR was filed against her, according to CISF officials. A probe panel has also been established to investigate Kangana’s allegations.
Later, Kangana posted a video message on social media, saying, “I am safe, I am perfectly fine. The slapping incident at Chandigarh Airport occurred during the security check. When I completed the security check and was waiting to pass, the woman security officer came towards me, hit me, and started abusing me. When I asked why she did it, she said she supports the farmers. I am safe, but my concern is how to handle this shocking rise in terror and violence in Punjab.”
Kangana Ranaut recently won the Mandi Lok Sabha seat by defeating Congress’ Vikramaditya Singh with a margin of 74,755 votes.
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