Megastar Kamal Haasan was recently admitted to a hospital in Chennai after testing positive for COVID-19 and his fans have been worried about his health. Kamal was found to be positive for the virus after he returned from the United States and was immediately admitted to the hospital following the necessary protocols. Now, his daughter Shruti Haasan has shared an update on his health and assures that he is responding well to the treatment.
Sharing a health update of his father, actress Shruti Haasan tweeted, “Thankyou for all your wishes and prayers for my fathers health He is recovering well and is looking forward to interacting with all of you soon !!”
Thankyou for all your wishes and prayers for my fathers health ? He is recovering well and is looking forward to interacting with all of you soon !!
— shruti haasan (@shrutihaasan) November 24, 2021
Earlier the hospital had released a bulletin and informed that Kamal Haasan has been admitted after complaints of lower respiratory tract infection and fever. He was then tested for Coronavirus and he was found positive for COVID-19. The bulletin read that the actor was no medical management and his condition was stable.
After returning from the United States, the actor had informed his fans about experiencing cough in his tweets on Monday and updated that he has been tested positive for Coronavirus infection. “There was a slight cough after returning from the US trip. Govt infection was confirmed on examination. I am isolated in the hospital. Realize that the pandemic is not over yet and everyone is safe,” his tweet read.
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