Indian actor Kajol has been experimenting with her projects lately and has been going unconventional with her choice of scripts. While the actor was last seen in the Netflix original movie, Tribhanga, she will be making her web series debut with another streaming giant, Disney+ Hotstar.
As per the developments, Kajol has given her nod to play the lead in an upcoming web series helmed by The Family Man 2 filmmaker Suparn Varma. As per the early reports, the series will be based on a mother and wife, played by Kajol, who is forced to enter the career bandwagon for the sake of her family. It is touted to be a high-concept storyline and has been planned as a multi-season show.
If the reports are to be believed, Suparn Varma has already begun working on the pre-production and we might expect a 2023 release. The show will be produced by Banijay Asia of the Banijay Group, while the rest of the cast and crew are being worked upon.
On the other hand, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences unveiled its guest list for the Class of 2022 on Tuesday, and Kajol is the only actor from the Hindi film industry to be included this year.
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