Renowned American stand-up comedian and actor, Kevin Hart, was involved in a massive car crash in Calabasas, California on the Sunday morning as informed by the California Highway Patrol. According to reports, Kevin Hart along with his driver has suffered major injuries in the unfortunate accident.
Kevin was driven by his driver, Jared Black, in a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda on Mulholland Highway when the car lost control and toppled down an embankment, California Highway Patrol said in a statement. While CHP didn’t reveal the nature of injuries to the actor or his driver, the reports suggest that they have suffered ‘major back injuries’.
Shortly after the incident, they were transported to the nearby hospital for immediate medical attention. According to the officials, the driver was not under the influence of alcohol during the incident.
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I added some more muscle to the family for my 40th….welcome home “Menace” #MuscleCarLover
Kevin Hart, who is awaiting the release of his upcoming movie Jumanji: The Next Level, gifted himself the Plymouth Barracuda on his 40th birthday back in July.
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