Jasmin Bhasin got evicted from the Bigg Boss house yesterday leaving her fans, Aly Goni and even host Salman Khan in shock. The actress had gained huge momentum during her stay in the celebrity-based reality show and her fans were expecting her to lift the trophy. However, she is happy to have spent 100 days in the house and leaving before her boyfriend, Aly Goni.
After leaving the Bigg Boss house, Jasmin Bhasin visited her friends, Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbhachiyaa, to get some moral support. “I didn’t know what people outside were thinking about me. So I was a little low and decided to go to Bharti and Haarsh’s house first. They are my support system,” she said. The Tashan-e-Ishq actress further revealed that her parents are not against her relationship with Aly Goni as per earlier interpretation.
Jasmin’s parents visited the reality show during the family week recently and asked her to focus on the game by playing solo. “My parents were misunderstood. They asked me to focus on my game, jo bhi kaha unhone woh game ke liye kaha. Why will my parents have any problem with our relationship? I have had a discussion with them and they are very happy,” she said.
She further mentioned her marriage plans with Aly and said that she is ready to marry him this year. “I have fallen in love and it’s a beautiful feeling. I don’t mind getting married this year, my parents are okay with it. Once Aly comes out, they will meet his parents. We need to know what his parents have to say about it,” she said. She further mentioned that she will not wait to marry Aly Goni once his parents approve of their relationship.
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