Evicted contestant Jasmin Bhasin has opened up about her relationship with Bigg Boss housemate and actor Aly Goni. She believes that her blossoming romance with the latter will grow into something more beautiful and great things will come their way.
Aly entered the ongoing season a few weeks after the show began to lend support to his lady love, Jasmin. The two soon got closer and even after Jasmin’s eviction from the show, their bonding is getting stronger.
Bhasin has reportedly confessed that “It’s all about this beautiful feeling that there was, this realization that it means more than friendship. When I was evicted, it became such an emotional moment for us. The whole thing was very heart touching for me and also something that is every girl’s dream – to be loved like this.”
To this, she adds, “Let’s see how it goes once he comes out we will discuss it because for us it’s very new. He has always led his life and I have led mine. We have been friends but this realization is a very new feeling for us. Both of us are like ‘How do we sink this in?’. It always feels great.”
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