Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez became the centre of the headlines in a shocking turn of events when she found herself in the middle of a money laundering case. Reportedly, Jacqueline is not the accused but got questioned as a witness in the money laundering racket operated by conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar.
According to the reports, Jacqueline was grilled by the Enforcement Directorate for over 5 hours in link with the multi-crore extorsion racket. Reportedly, the accused, Sukesh Chandrasekhar, has over 20 high-profile extortion cases against him and he has been operating a racket from inside his jail cell in Delhi’s prison. Jacqueline was examined by the ED as a witness in the case against Sukesh.
Enforcement Directorate had recently conducted a raid at Sukesh’s bungalow in Chennai and seized dozen luxury cars and around a crore in cash. “Sukesh Chandrasekhar is the mastermind of this fraud. He has been a part of the crime world since the age of 17. He has multiple FIRs against him and is presently lodged at the Rohini jail,” said the official statement of ED in the case.
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