Kangana Ranaut has been working non-stop as the actress has a number of upcoming releases in her kitty. In the meantime, the Queen actress has been forcing her opinions on everything under the sun at the micro-blogging website, Twitter. While Kangana has been busy praising herself for many months now and even compared herself to Meryl Streep and Gal Gadot, filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri tweeted praise for her and she was quick to respond.
Kangana recently shared a behind the scene picture from her upcoming movie stunt and tweeted, “Action in almost 50 degrees When the survival instinct kicks in something tells me, I can’t do this but then something I don’t recognise says, eventually this body will be burnt in this same fire what you saving yourself for, give yourself to me, all of you. Ok then, take me.” To her tweet, filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri replied and praised her hard work and dedication in the unprecedented COVID-19 times.
I think @KanganaTeam must get an award only for her relentless energy, working non-stop, doing amazing films after films, during the toughest Covid period. Imagine from Jayalalita to action to Air Force… a kind of life to die for. A lot of young actors must learn from her. https://t.co/tKEP6z9CeX
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) March 28, 2021
“I think @KanganaTeam must get an award only for her relentless energy, working non-stop, doing amazing films after films, during the toughest Covid period. Imagine from Jayalalita to action to Air Force… a kind of life to die for. A lot of young actors must learn from her,” the filmmaker wrote and Kangana Ranaut was quick to respond and recall her journey as ‘an unwanted girl child”.
I was an unwanted girl child, today I work with best and passionate filmmakers, artists and technicians. I love my work, not for money, not for fame. When best of the world look at me and say ‘only you can do it’ I know I may have been unwanted but I was needed. Much needed ❤️ https://t.co/BZKnPUfXfI
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) March 28, 2021
“I was an unwanted girl child, today I work with best and passionate filmmakers, artists and technicians. I love my work, not for money, not for fame. When best of the world look at me and say ‘only you can do it’ I know I may have been unwanted but I was needed. Much needed,” shared Kangana Ranaut.
On the work front, Kangana Ranaut will next be seen playing the real-life character of politician and film actress, J. Jayalalithaa, in her biographical drama, Thalaivi. The A. L. Vijay directorial is slated for a release on April 23, 2021.
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