Bollywood actress, Huma Qureshi, was recently spotted in the capital for the relaunch of her mother’s salon, Amiqur. The actress seemed excited about her mother’s new venture and celebrated it with her. The salon has been re-opened in the Kailash Colony above Saleem’s Restaurant in Delhi.
Amiqur was earlier launched exclusively for women but it has been re-launched as a unisex salon. Sharing her excitement for the re-opening of her mother’s salon, the Jolly LLB 2 actress said, “It is a next door and women-friendly salon. Also, now we have launched it as a unisex salon, which is a big change. I am super excited to help and support my mom.”
Video courtesy – Nitin Kundra
On the work front, Huma Qureshi will next be seen alongside Akshay Kumar in the upcoming spy-thriller, Bell Bottom. The Ranjit M Tewari directorial is based on true events and the story is set during the 1980s about some unforgettable heroes of the era. The actress also has an American zombie heist film, Army of the Dead, and Tamil-language action thriller, Valimai, in the post-production.
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