One of the biggest superstars of the Bollywood industry, Hrithik Roshan, delivered a blockbuster action movie, War, last year along with co-actor Tiger Shroff. Meanwhile, reports of Hrithik Roshan doing a remake of B R Chopra’s The Burning Train started doing rounds over the internet. A source close to the superstar rubbished such reports and cleared the air on Hrithik Roshan doing remakes in the future.
The source said that Hrithik Roshan did a remake of Amitabh Bachchan’s iconic revenge drama, Agneepath, and it was the last time we saw him doing a remake. The source informed that Hrithik doesn’t want to do remakes and every filmmaker close to the actor is aware of his firmness on the remakes. The actor was also reported to be a part of Farah Khan’s Satte Pe Satta remake but the rumours came to an end.
“Duggu(Hrithik Roshan) went to lunch to Farah’s place when she invited him. Farah made the offer. Duggu was too polite to say an outright no. It took quite a while for Farah to get the message. No remakes!” added the source on Hrithik turning down the Satte Pe Satta remake. While the entire entertainment industry is on a standstill in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown, Hrithik Roshan is yet to announce his next.
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