Fans of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone reached to cloud nine when filmmaker Siddharth Anand announced a collaboration with them on Hrithik’s birthday on 10th January. Titled Fighter, the action-thriller is touted to be a patriotic drama with Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone as the lead pair. The latest update related to the development of the movie informs that it has been sanctioned a whopping budget of 250 crore rupees.
Announcing the title of the movie with a voice-over dialogue about patriotism, Hrithik Roshan had shared a teaser on his social media handle with the caption, “Presenting a glimpse of the MARFLIX vision as #Fighter! Looking forward to my first flight alongside the exceptional @deepikapadukone. All buckled up for this Sid Anand joyride.”
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Hrithik Roshan and Siddharth Anand had earlier collaborated for the mass entertainer and blockbuster action-dramas, War, which also featured Tiger Shroff in a key role, and Bang Bang with Katrina Kaif in the female lead. Fighter will mark the third collaboration between the actor-director duo and first movie with Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone sharing the screen space.
The upcoming Siddharth Anand directorial is said to have high-octane action sequences on the chores of War and Bang Bang as both the movies had a similar premise. A source close to the development of the movie informs that the makers are not leaving any stones unturned when it comes to budget and they have allotted 250 crore rupees for the production.
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